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Mental Strategies - At the Heart of MAP

MAP aims to help teachers - to help their children – to

identify and understand a range of mental strategies,

enabling them to choose, name and utilise the most

efficient ones for any given mental calculation.

The Mathematics National Curriculum says that pupils

should develop efficient written and mental methods for any

given calculation.

The issue is the majority of teachers don’t actually know

what these mental methods are or how to teach them effectively.

The focus on mental strategies is at the very heart of MAP.



Mental Strategies - At the Heart of MAP

MAP aims to help teachers - to help their children – to identify and understand a range of mental strategies, enabling them to choose, name and utilise the most efficient ones for any given mental calculation.

The Mathematics National Curriculum says that pupils should develop efficient written and mental methods for any given calculation.

The issue is the majority of teachers don’t actually know what these mental methods are or how to teach them effectively.

The focus on mental strategies is at the very heart of MAP.

MAP uses story, story characters, catchphrases and animations

to help children master mental strategies

MAP uses a unique combination of tools to help children learn each mental strategy. The Number Fun Videos help children learn and practice a strategy in a story context. Egan (1986) wrote about how children ‘readily understand abstract concepts when organised in story form’.

Each mental strategy has a dedicated story character. For the Round and Adjust strategy, Roana is the key character. She runs a rowing school, and her strategy is understood in the way she organises her life jackets. In the Double and Adjust strategy, the Doubling Twins Amir and Amira, use doubling facts to help them calculate.

Each character has a catchphrase. The parrot’s catchphrase is, ‘Manipulate the Calculation for a sneaky variation’!

These characters are influencers. Instead of children constantly using a single default strategy, the characters equip them to successfully work with a range of strategies. One teacher, who watched a lesson using the parrot, wrote: “I really liked the fact that the children engaged with the song and characters and that they copied what the parrot did rather than become stuck on their own strategy.”

When a ‘MAP’ child sees 25 + 28, we want them thinking, ‘What would the parrot do? What would Roana do? What would Papa Titioning do? What would the kangaroo do? How would Amir and Amira tackle this? Or is this a calculation for the Sneaky Criminals? Each character would tackle this calculation differently! We can then ask, ‘Which is the most efficient strategy?’

With MAP, children gain regular exposure to the characters and stories, supported by gameplay and activity, developing their ability to choose and use from a well-rehearsed range of mental strategies. They can name each one and identify the most efficient method for each given calculation – which is exactly what they need to do!

Here is a guidance document with

more information about the MAP


Click here for Mental Strategy Explanations Document

There are several display materials

available to support the use of

these story characters.

Click here for Mental Strategy Display Resources

Strategy Progressions

Click on the thumbnails to access the full progressions within the EuHu Organiser.

Click here for Addition Progression
Click here for Subtraction Progression
Click here for Multiplication Progression
Click here for Division Progression

Key Strategy Resources

Click here for Number Fun Strategy Videos

The Number Fun Characters help bring Mental Strategies to life in this set of videos. Each video combines the power of story, visualisation, animation, song and humour. For the Addition and Subtraction strategies there are either year group or phase specific videos. Have fun!

Click here for Strategy Games

Alongside the use of video, story, characters and catchphrases, we have a set of games and activities to help children develop their skills through game play. The games, ‘Round About’ and ‘19 or Halve’, for example, are great board and small group games for helping children develop their use of Round and Adjust.

Click here for Assessment Documents

Also available, is an extensive set of Assessment materials for use at the end of each term. These downloadable year group documents will help you keep a clear track of your children’s progress with their mental strategies and support your future planning.

Additional Fact Tools

Additional Strategy Downloads
Click here for Strategy PDF Downloads
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