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Planning Blocks

Resource Toolkit



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Pre-planned 15-20 minute MAP Sessions

There are two routes to creating powerful MAP sessions.

The Planned Route uses prepared 6-week planning blocks

for each year group. You can start using these blocks at

any point within the school year, but it is recommended that

children work through the planning blocks in order.



There are two routes to creating powerful MAP sessions.

Pre-planned 15-20 minute MAP Sessions

The Planned Route uses prepared 6-week planning blocks for each year group. You can start using these blocks at any point within the school year, but it is recommended that children work through the planning blocks in order.

The planning recommends ideal activities for each MAP Session:

Each session starts with a 5-minute counting activity before then moving onto an additional activity or game that focuses on either…

The introduction or practising of a mental strategy or the learning of key facts. Wednesday, for example, has been given to a weekly Fact test or challenge.

These blocks contain direct links to the videos, games and ideas found within the extensive MAP Resources Toolkit.

The blocks are pre-planned, but we encourage you to use them creatively. You know your children better than anyone, and you should feel free to adapt and amend the plans as you see fit.

The Planning Route has been created to help non-specialist teachers from Y1 to Y6 to teach mental mathematics to a high level and become familiar with the vast array of MAP resources.

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