Using the Number Fun Resources Effectively
(To engage children in Deep Learning Experiences)
This page is designed to help you maximise the impact of using Number Fun in your teaching of primary mathematics. Each of the 500+ Number Fun videos, alongside their accompanying resources, helps children engage with and understand a specific mathematical concept.
Number Fun is designed to engage all children in deep learning experiences, whatever scheme of work you are following.
Either scroll down the page to access the bite-sized videos or click any section below to navigate. I hope find this information helpful and I’d love to hear how you’re getting on!
What you need to know to use the Number Fun resources successfully.
Understanding the unique nature of the Number Fun resources
is crucial in maximising their impact in the classroom.
Number Fun has 6 key characteristics:
1: Visualisation
2: Animation
3: Story
4: Vocabulary
5: Song
6: Humour
Each Number Fun video includes a song. Each song might be categorised into one or more ofthe following types,veach with their own unique characteristics and benefits:
Type 1: Concept Songs
Type 2: Input/Output Songs
Type 3: Memory Songs
Accompanying each Number Fun video are the following creative resources:
1: Reasoning & Active Learning Ideas
2: Backing Track Video
3: Game & Activity Ideas for Teachers
4: Downloadable Resources
5: Music Score & Lyrics
6: Core Information (Objectives etc.)
Number Fun naturally blends mathematics and music together.
There are additional, powerful links to other curriculum
subjects that can be exploited:
1: Core Subjects – Literacy
2: Foundation Subjects – Geography, History,
Music, PE, Art and Design
3: Modern Foreign Languages
Exactly how you use a Number Fun video in your lesson is important. Choose from these creative options to maximise its power and impact:
Option 1: Play and Engage
Option 2: Play and Mirror
Option 3: Watch, Discuss, Re-watch, Reason
Option 4: Section, Reason, Section, Reason, …
Option 5: Watch, Reason, Retell
Option 6: Play and Remember
Option 7: Screenshot
Once a video has been used as a teaching tool, here are a few ideas for extending it’s use:
1: Screenshot
2: Adaptation
3: Games and Activities
Here are 6 potential ways in which the use of Number Fun might naturally be reflected in your working wall:
1: Number Fun Images
2: Screenshot
3: Reasoning Prompts
4: Vocabulary and Definitions
5: Children’s Work
6: Interactive Elements
The following tools are available to help you successfully incorporate the use of Number Fun into your planning and lessons:
1: White Rose Maths Planning – Quick Link Documents
2: Ready to Progress Criteria / DfE & NCETM Non-Statutory Guidance
3: Sense of Number / Number Fun Visual Policies
4: Number Fun Shop
5: Resources Search Tool – The Best Way to Navigate the Portal
6: Navigation Menu System and Search Bar
Here are six potential ways that engagement with the Number Fun resources can lead opportunities for formative assessment:
1: Reasoning
2: Story
3: Song Words
4: Journalling
5: Games and Activity Sheets
6: Active Engagement with a Video