Amazing People
Each Amazing Person comes with a set of resources relevant to their story. Select a person to learn more about their amazing life and find all the resources you'll need for your planning and students’ learning.
Ada Lovelace
Discover the remarkable story of Ada Lovelace for free! Learn how this brilliant mathematician and visionary laid the foundation for modern computing with her groundbreaking work on the first computer algorithm.
Albert Einstein
Alfred Nobel
Amy Johnson
Aneurin (Nye) Bevan
Anna Nzinga Mbande
Beulah Henry
Caroline Chisholm
Charles Darwin
Charlotte Brontë
Coco Chanel
David Livingstone
Dmitri Mendeleev
Elizabeth Arden
Elizabeth Blackwell
Emmeline Pankhurst
Eva Perón
Florence Nightingale
Frida Kahlo
Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti
Harriet Tubman
Helen Keller
Howard Florey
Ibn Battuta
Issac Newton
Jesse Owens
Leonardo da Vinci
Lillian Gilbreth
Lily Parr
Louis Armstrong
Ludwig van Beethoven
Madam CJ Walker
Mahatma Gandhi
Mākereti Papakura
Marie Curie
Mark Twain
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mary Seacole
Mustafa Ataturk
Percy Julian
Rachel Carson
Sarojini Naidu
Simón Bolívar
Soichiro Honda
Sojourner Truth
Thomas Edison
Walt Disney
Wang Zhenyi
William Shakespeare
Zumbi dos Palmares
© Cover images Copyright unless otherwise stated, Public Domain via Wikimedia. Additional artist information is given below where known. Abraham Lincoln - Alexander Gardner; Ada Lovelace - Alfred Edward Chalon; Albert Einstein - Photograph by Orren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J. Modified with Photoshop by PM_Poon and later by Dantadd; Amy Johnson - Amy Johnson Arts Trust/ Amy Johnson, A Life in Pictures by Paul Gibson; Coco Chanel – Alamy; Florence Nightingale - Henry Hering; Frida Kahlo – Alamy; Ibn Battuta – Amazing People Worldwide; Lily Parr - Courtesy of the National Football Museum; Mary Seacole - Albert Charles Challen; Wang Zhenyi -, Image modified by Arantza Muguruza Montero; Zumbi dos Palmares - Amazing People Worldwide.