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Beulah Henry
1887 - 1973 - Prolific inventor who earned the nickname ‘Lady Edison’
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Beulah Henry
1887 - 1973
Creativity | Curiosity | Open-mindedness
Beulah Henry was a self-taught and prolific inventor who earned the nickname ‘Lady Edison’. She registered 49 US patents and had over 100 inventions, all of which helped make life easier for people.

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In the following story, explore where their character strengths were demonstrated and helped them to overcome challenges and difficulties.

Beulah Henry
1887 - 1973
As a young girl, I liked to tinker with my toys. I pulled them apart to see if something could be added or changed. At times, my parents scolded me for ‘damaging’ them, but I was experimenting with new ideas and possibilities.

By 1912, at the age of 25, I had learned that if my intuitive tinkering was to be more than a hobby and produce an income, my ideas needed protection. So I patented my vacuum ice cream freezer machine, and it was an instant success. Lots more successful inventions followed.

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Character Strengths Strategic Overview

A Strategic Overview for schools on adopting a strengths-based approach and how this can support pupils' wellbeing, and behaviour. Includes a practical guide to using the Amazing People Schools stories and resources.

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A Strategic Overview to using Amazing People Schools to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) across the curriculum.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategic Overview 

A Strategic Overview to explore the links between the Amazing People Schools character strength-based approach and mental health and wellbeing.

Special Education Needs & Disability Strategic Overview

A Strategic Overview for those working with SEND pupils on how to get the most out of the Amazing People School site, stories and resources.

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