French: La météo (The Weather Forecast)

Content Name

French: La météo (The Weather Forecast)

Content Type

WOW Lesson


Join languages expert, Kate Clifton, as she shares this exciting lesson designed to support your pupils' understanding of the French language by learning about the weather. Come rain or shine, your pupils will no doubt enjoy learning how to say some common weather phrases in French by taking part in a range of interactive games and activities. They will practise how to say and write the phrases before having the opportunity to present their very own weather forecast! The phonics focus for this lesson is silent consonants at the end of words. Sound files are embedded in the PowerPoint to support with correct pronunciation.


  • Country


    Key Stage:

    Key Stage 2


    Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6


    • Languages



    Programmes of Study:

    • listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
    • speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures
    • develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases*
    • present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences*
    • broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary

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KS2 French
KS2 Language
Key Stage 2 Language
Key Stage 2 MFL
Key Stage 2 French
Yr 3
Yr 3 French
Yr 3 MFL
Yr 3 Language
Year 3 French
Year 3 Language
Year 3 MFL
Yr 4
Yr 4 MFL
Yr 4 French
Yr 4 Language
Year 4 Language
Year 4 MFL
Yr 5
Yr 5 French
Yr 5 Language
Year 5 MFL
Yr 5 MFL
Year 5 Language
Year 5 French
Yr 6
Yr 6 MFL
Yr 6 Language
Yr 6 French
Year 6 French
Year 6 MFL
Year 6 Language
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