Target Boards Set 3: 3-Digit Numbers

Content Name

Target Boards Set 3: 3-Digit Numbers

Content Type

Partner Content


Target Boards are usually 6 x 4 Grids, each containing a selection of numbers chosen for a particular purpose – either size or properties. They can be used for a wide range of purposes, especially calculation and reasoning. They are particularly helpful in the development of mental strategies, as specific boards can be created for the purpose of teaching and practising a given strategy. Other boards are filled with a general range of numbers, allowing any strategy to be rehearsed, or other questions to be asked which develop children’s reasoning skills. Target Boards Set 3 are boards containing 3 digit numbers. They are designed both for Lower Key Stage 2 (to support Place Value along with the introduction of mental addition & subtraction strategies), but also to develop higher level calculation strategies in Upper Key stage 2


  • Country


    Key Stage:

    Key Stage 2


    Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 3


    • Mathematics


    • Number - addition and subtraction
    • Number - number and place value
    • Number - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

    Programmes of Study:

    • add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and 10s
    • add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and 1s
    • add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers
    • compare and order numbers up to 1,000
    • recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (100s, 10s, 1s)
    • solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas

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