LKS2 Big Art Question: Is making art, art?

Content Name

LKS2 Big Art Question: Is making art, art?

Content Type

WOW Lesson


In this Wow lesson you will be introduced to the work of contemporary artist Shantell Martin who has a successful career creating a variety of outcomes in her unique style. The artist works mainly in black ink or spray paint, using mark-making, words and lines. Sometimes the works are large and cover whole walls in public spaces and rooms, installation pieces of art. Sometimes the artwork is used to enhance products such as trainers and clothes. Sometimes the artist performs her drawings as part of the artwork, such as in music videos or live in front of an audience. Shantell Martin does not like to be pigeonholed but instead uses a variety of approaches to explore her own identity and ideas, without the limits of labels. Her work often asks the viewers questions about themselves.


  • Country


    Key Stage:

    Key Stage 2


    Year 3, Year 4


    • Art & Design



    Programmes of Study:

    • about great artists, architects and designers in history
    • to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
    • to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]

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KS2 Art
Key Stage 2 Art
Yr 3
Yr 3 Art
Yr 4
Yr 4 Art
Year 4 Art
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