Episode 5

Duration: 38 : 07

Davies sports podcast number 5 is a fascinating interview with headteacher Mr Chris Willan of Crawshawbooth Primary School. Chris is an exemplary advocate for achieving in school, in life, and navigating the education system to be the best you can be via the holistic inclusion of sport in the curriculum. As well as tips for sharpening your curriculum and using sport as a catalyst for academic achievement Chris also sails through the choppy waters of budget management and making the very best of what can often be challenging circumstances in providing quality both in, before, and after school for the next generation. A quick glance at the schools social media feeds will tell you that this school is a very happy place and a place to be and if we can achieve this for our children then the world is certainly winning. A must listen for anyone in the education system be it a teacher, a head, a governor, or bursar. A top-class tour of achieving high, navigating the challenges of modern education, sports inclusion and operational management.

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