EYC Episode 9: Childhood Nutrition: Fuelling Children's Future

Food is fuel - but, what are we feeding our youngest children? It's time to pause, think deeper and take sustained action in order to improve the nutritional landscape for our youngest children and the staff that care for them. This episode is hard hitting, exploring action we can and must take to make a difference.

EYC Episode 9 - Childhood Nutrition: Fuelling Children's Future.

Duration 00:37:38

Chapter 1: Childhood nutrition overview ( 01:12 )

Chapter 2: Ultra-processed food ( 03:00 )

Chapter 3: Impact ( 05:16 )

Chapter 4: Simple changes/tips ( 07:26 )

Chapter 5: Alternatives ( 11:04 )

Chapter 6: Changing lunchbox culture ( 16:05 )

Chapter 7: Where do we start ( 20:02 )

Chapter 8: Good food academy ( 23:28 )

Chapter 9: Radical slump in life prospects ( 26:30 )

Chapter 10: Forming new habits ( 31:03 )

Chapter 1:

Childhood nutrition overview ( 01:12 )

Chapter 2:

Ultra-processed food ( 03:00 )

Chapter 3:

Impact ( 05:16 )

Chapter 4:

Simple changes/tips ( 07:26 )

Chapter 5:

Alternatives ( 11:04 )

Chapter 6:

Changing lunchbox culture ( 16:05 )

Chapter 7:

Where do we start ( 20:02 )

Chapter 8:

Good food academy ( 23:28 )

Chapter 9:

Radical slump in life prospects ( 26:30 )

Chapter 10:

Forming new habits ( 31:03 )

Join your host Carla as she delves into all things PSHE with todays

guest expert - Louise Jackson

Chapter 1:

Why PSHE is important ( 0:57 )

Chapter 2:

PSHE post-covid ( 3:24 )

Chapter 3:

Best way to teach PSHE ( 5:25 )

Chapter 4:

PPA Cover ( 12:14 )

Chapter 5:

Conflict resolution (14:33 )

Chapter 6:

Challenges &assemblies ( 20:15 )

Chapter 7:

Expectations &assessment (30:45)

Duration: 00:34:06

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