EYC Episode 5 - Embracing Neurodiversity

in Early Childhood with Cheryl Warren

An incredible podcast where we discuss the power of embracing neurodiversity in early childhood and unlock the potential for a brighter, more inclusive future with Award Winning Neurodiversity Specialist Cheryl Warren (Aperion Training).

In this episode we explore the incredible stories and insights that shed light on the unique strengths and perspectives of neurodiverse children. You will not regret listening to this!

EYC Episode 5 - Embracing Neurodiversity in Early Childhood with Cheryl Warren

Duration 00:45:18

Chapter 1: Cheryl’s journey ( 01:33 )

Chapter 2: Language and terms ( 08:48 )

Chapter 3: Neuro inclusive environments ( 11:45 )

Chapter 4: Sensory diet ( 21:32 )

Chapter 5: More autistic children? ( 28:45 )

Chapter 6: Listening to child voice ( 32:47 )

Chapter 7: A level playing field ( 38:15 )

Chapter 8: Book choice ( 42:31 )

Join your host Carla as she delves into all things PSHE with todays

guest expert - Louise Jackson

Chapter 1:

Why PSHE is important ( 0:57 )

Chapter 2:

PSHE post-covid ( 3:24 )

Chapter 3:

Best way to teach PSHE ( 5:25 )

Chapter 4:

PPA Cover ( 12:14 )

Chapter 5:

Conflict resolution (14:33 )

Chapter 6:

Challenges &assemblies ( 20:15 )

Chapter 7:

Expectations &assessment (30:45)

Duration: 00:34:06

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