Year 6 Electricity L3 EuHu WOW Lesson: How can we vary the brightness of bulbs in a circuit?
Content Name
Year 6 Electricity L3 EuHu WOW Lesson: How can we vary the brightness of bulbs in a circuit?
Content Type
WOW Lesson
Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that is designed to deepen children's understanding of electrical circuits by exploring how components function. In this lesson, children will explore how to vary the brightness of bulbs in a circuit, they will take accurate measurements and look for patterns in their results.
EnglandKey Stage:
Key Stage 2Years:
Year 6Subjects:
- Science
- Electricity
Programmes of Study:
- compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches
Custom Tags
KS2 Science
Key Stage 2 Science
Yr 6
Yr 6 Science
Year 6 Science