Year 3 Forces and Magnets: How does a hockey puck move on different surfaces?

Content Name

Year 3 Forces and Magnets: How does a hockey puck move on different surfaces?

Content Type

WOW Lesson


Lace up your skates and slide into the fascinating world of friction with this Year 3 lesson written by science expert, Angharad Pass. In this lesson, your pupils will investigate how objects move on different surfaces in the context of ice hockey. It begins with a captivating video to set the scene, immersing the children in the excitement of this fast-paced game. From there, they will get the opportunity to carry out a comparative test, where they will make predictions, test their ideas, record their results and draw conclusions. It doesn't matter if your pupils are ice hockey enthusiasts or have never even heard of the game before, this lesson is designed to captivate and support all learners and provide them with a deep understanding of friction and how objects move on different surfaces.


  • Country


    Key Stage:

    Key Stage 2


    Year 3


    • Science


    • Forces and magnets

    Programmes of Study:

    • compare how things move on different surfaces

Custom Tags

working scientifically
Comparative test
KS2 Science
KS2 Science Forces
Key Stage 2 Science
Key Stage 2 Forces
Year 3 Science
Year 3 Forces
Yr 3 Science
Yr 3 Forces
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