About Nicky Waller

Introducing Nicky Waller - hailing from Teesside, she is a sought-after advisory teacher for primary science throughout the north-east of England. Her mission is to ignite a passion for science and engineering by working closely with both teachers and children, enhancing their confidence, understanding, and enjoyment of science.

As the author of 'A Creative Approach to Teaching Science' for primary teachers, published by Bloomsbury, Nicky brings an innovative perspective to science education.

Nicky's expertise has been recognized through numerous accolades, including the Institute of Physics Primary Science Teacher of the Year, the Royal Society of Chemistry's Excellence in Primary Education Award, Chartered Science Teacher status, and a STEM Educators award at the level of National Expert.

If you're searching for a skilled and passionate science educator to boost your teachers' and students' enthusiasm and understanding, look no further than Nicky Waller. Her dedication and expertise will undoubtedly make a significant impact on science education in your school.

Profile picture for EuHu Science Author Nicky Waller


Super Science Specialist Nicky Waller helps you to spark curiosity with WOW moments for the children! Watch the below video to find out more about what motivates Nicky to create such incredible content.

In this lesson, children will carry out an observation over a short time. They will then make their own models to

demonstrate evaporation, condensation and how the water cycle works.

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Nicky Waller's WOW Science Lessons

Nicky's Science WOW lessons focus on the difficult to teach objectives of the science National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2.

Registration to EuHu is free, but you need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access the WOW lessons.

Register & try Nicky's free sample above or visit our subscription page for more information.

KS1 Year 1 Science Structure of Tress EuHu WOW Lesson

Year 1 - Plants: What are the different parts of a tree?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about the structure of a variety of common trees, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: identifying and classifying.

Year 1 - Animals, Including Humans: What are the different parts of an animal?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about the structure of a variety of different animals, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: identifying and classifying.

Year 1 - Everyday Materials: What are the properties of materials?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about the simple physical properties of everyday materials, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: identifying and classifying.

Year 2 - Living Things: What do animals eat and how can this be linked in a food chain?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about how living things rely on each other for food within a habitat, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: research using secondary sources.

Year 2 - Living Things: Which type of habitat do woodlice prefer?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about how animals select a habitat or microhabitat, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: observing over time.

Year 2 - Uses of Everyday Materials: Which material is most suitable at the seaside?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about the suitability of different materials for transporting water, as well as focusing on the enquiry type: comparative and fair testing.

Year 3 - Rocks: How are fossils formed?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of how fossils are formed. In this lesson, you will make an imprint and cast fossil and explain how these are formed in real life over many years.

Year 3 - Forces and Magnets: What is magnetic force?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of forces and magnets. In this lesson, children will investigate magnets and carry out tests to compare magnetic force.

Year 3 - Plants: What do flowers do?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of flowering plants. In this lesson, children will investigate the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants and use role-play to understand how pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal happen.

Year 3 - Rocks: What is soil made from?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to help children make systematic and careful observations to learn about soil. In this lesson, your pupils will observe soil samples and predict what soil is made from. They will then use observation over time to learn about the different layers of soil.

Year 4 - Living things and their Habitats: What are classification key and how are they useful?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of classification keys.

In this lesson, children will use classification keys to identify and name a variety of living things.

Year 4 - States of Matter: How is evaporation and condensation part of the Water Cycle?

Try a FREE Science WOW Lesson. (Science lesson free until 31st July 2023) Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of the water cycle.

In this lesson, children will carry out an observation over a short time. They will then make their own models to demonstrate evaporation, condensation and how the water cycle works.

Year 4 - Animals Including Humans: Why do we have different shaped teeth?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson designed to support children's understanding of different types of human teeth and their functions. In this lesson, children will discover what different teeth do and make models to replicate their own teeth.

Year 5 - Forces: What is the best surface to increase friction?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that will deepen children's understanding of the effects of friction. In this lesson, pupils will plan a scientific enquiry to answer the question, What is the best surface to increase friction? in the context of creating a new brand of goalie gloves. They will have the opportunity to develop working scientifically skills by planning and carrying out comparative and fair tests.

Year 5 - Materials: What can our tests tell us about the uses of everyday materials?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that will deepen children's understanding of the properties and uses of everyday materials. In this lesson, pupils will explore the question, What can our tests tell us about the uses of everyday materials? through comparative and fair testing, as well as observing over time.

Year 5 - Earth and Space: How does the Moon move and what do we see from Earth?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that will help children to understand the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. In this lesson, your pupils will be observing over time, as well as making and using models, to help them learn about the Moon phases and explain how we see the Moon from Earth.

Year 6 - Animals Including Humans: What’s in blood and what does it do?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that extends children's knowledge of the circulatory system, specifically looking at the function and make up of our blood. In the lesson, children will make and use models to help them learn about the different ingredients of blood. They will then think about the importance and function of each part.

Year 6 - Electricity: How can we vary the brightness of bulbs in a circuit?

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that is designed to deepen children's understanding of electrical circuits by exploring how components function. In this lesson, children will explore how to vary the brightness of bulbs in a circuit, they will take accurate measurements and look for patterns in their results.

Year 6 Animals Including Humans: What is the main job of the heart? 

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Join Science expert, Nicky Waller, as she shares a lesson that helps children learn about the circulatory system and the function of the heart. In this lesson, pupils will use the enquiry type, making and using models, to act out and explore how the heart pumps blood around the body.

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