About Louise Jackson

Introducing Louise - the ultimate expert for all things PSHE and RSE, with a strong passion for inclusion! As a primary teacher since 2010, she has specialized in Disability Studies and has a wealth of experience in understanding the diverse needs of children.

Louise is not only dedicated to empowering students through PSHE but also fostering a foundation of inclusion by promoting self-discovery and understanding of others. She has explored Neurodiversity and Mental Health needs in children through her Masters of Education and has worked in SEMH settings. In 2018, she completed her NPQH and held senior leadership roles before transitioning to creating educational content full-time.

A true advocate for positive relationships and social interactions, Louise loves supporting children in building meaningful friendships and encouraging them to engage with others during social times.

If you're looking to transform your PSHE lessons into engaging and impactful experiences, Louise is the expert you need. Her goal is to provide you with enjoyable and effective PSHE lessons that inspire students to 'look up,' fostering empathy and resilience. With Louise's guidance, your teachers will be equipped with the tools they need to deliver outstanding PSHE education, nurturing well-rounded, empathetic, and resilient students.

Profile picture for EuHu PSHE Author Louise Jackson


PSHE expert Louise Jackson supports you to create a calming & friendly classroom with incredible lessons.

Watch the below video to learn more about Louise or try her sample WOW lesson for KS1 'Relationships'

Subscribe for Free & try a sample of Louise Jackson's WOW lesson for KS1 'Relationships'

In this lesson, you will explore the concept of loneliness, what it looks like and how to spot the difference between loneliness and being alone, as well as talk about how to help others.

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Louise Jackson's WOW PSHE Lessons

Louise Jackson's WOW lessons are an exceptional PSHE content.

Registration to EuHu is free, but you need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access the WOW lessons.

Register & try Louise Jackson's Free sample above or visit visit our subscription page for more information.

KS1 Year 1 PSHE Loneliness And Helping Others EuHu WOW Lesson

KS1 Loneliness and helping others

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a lesson which supports children to recognise signs of loneliness and how to help people who are feeling lonely.

In this lesson, you will explore the concept of loneliness, what it looks like and how to spot the difference between loneliness and being alone, as well as talk about how to help others.

KS1 Recognising feelings

You need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access this lesson. Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a lesson which supports children to recognise signs of loneliness and how to help people who are feeling lonely.

In this lesson, you will explore the concept of loneliness, what it looks like and how to spot the difference between loneliness and being alone, as well as talk about how to help others.

LKS2 Emotional Regulation

You need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access this lesson. Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a LKS2 lesson exploring the concept of emotional intelligence, the importance of mental health, as well as trying some well-known mindfulness techniques to aid with emotional regulation.

LKS2 Positive friendship choices

You need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access this lesson. Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a LKS2 lesson exploring the concept of friendship and what healthy and unhealthy friendship choices look like. Strategies to use when spotting an unkind friend will also be covered.

UKS2 Describing and sharing emotions

You need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access this lesson. Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a lesson which helps children to explore the different depths of emotions and feelings; to identify that emotion drives behaviour and the importance of sharing worries or concerns with others.

UKS2 Peer pressure and positive relationships

You need a 'Primary Bundle' subscription to access this lesson. Visit our subscription page for more information.

Join PSHE expert, Louise Jackson, as she shares a lesson to explore what peer pressure is (both positive and negative); why it is difficult to stand alone and against friends; strategies to avoid harmful behaviour choices; and reflection on what bravery looks like.

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